Episode 66- Derek Drescher (It Could Have Gone One of Two Ways)

Awesome episode this week with hilarious comedian Derek Drescher. We go deep this week talking about Derek growing up in various institutions, the chaos and hell he raised to get put into said institutions, his love of standup, and when he finally decided to go for it.

Great EX Drinking Buddy Stories this week from fun to transformative: Derek tells us how drinking derailed his Army career, going from booze to heroin, the violent/ intense situations he found himself in to keep his addiction going, the moment he thought he was going to die, and the tragic loss of someone incredibly close to him and staying sober through it.


Follow Derek on Instagram, check out his monthly show at The Stand, 23 and 1, and check out his Podcast, “On The Gate” with another great NYC comedian Geo Perez

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Brennan Tasseff