Episode 39- Mike Carano (It Was Just Luck)
This week is a huge one, especially for fans of Comedy! Mike Carano is a photographer, film maker, podcaster, was the booker/GM of multiple Improvs, and is an overall awesome guy with a crazy array of stories. We discuss starting at the Improv as a doorman and turning it into a 30 year career, becoming friends with some of the biggest names in the HISTORY of comedy, his last drunk and continued sobriety, a bunch of stories involving some big names you will all recognize, and some stories of him being recognized.
We also get into a bunch of EX Drinking Buddy stories: when Mike first started drinking regularly in high school (and the consequences of that), working at a job where you were allowed to get a buzz going, the origins of Trunk Vodka, confrontations with bosses, doing shots of Jager into his 40’s, dealing with cops drunk at 16, and so much more.
Follow Mike on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. Check out The After Disaster and Miscellaneous Adventures from the World of Mike Carano.
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Check out the website for the upcoming Farewell to Florida Tour Dates, and get your EX Drinking Buddy MERCH!!!