Episode 195- Matt Bowman (The Return of the Sack King)

Disclaimer up front!! I was so excited to talk to Matt about some major life stuff I hijack the first few minutes... I settle down by minute 6.

This week I am joined by my very good friend and hilarious comedian, Matt Bowman. Matt talks about some major life changes; including getting married and about to have a child, we also talk a lot about comedy, and what goes into these major life changes when it comes to chasing a dream.

Plenty of EX Drinking Buddy Stories this week too: Matt talks about his worst hangover ever, dealing with friends in their 30's that still want to get wasted all the time, tying one on from time to time, not realizing how drunk he got with a friend from Scotland, and more.

Follow Matt everywhere and check out his podcast "Matt Bowman is Bothered" through his LINKTREE

Find everything for me through the LINKTREE

-Sam and Matt had the baby, he is healthy, happy, and they are all doing great-

Brennan Tasseff