Episode 36- Tyler White (The President of The After Disaster)

This week is a doozy!! I am joined by the President of The After Disaster, Tyler White! The After Disaster is a fantastic Podcast about anything and everything that has been running strong since 2010. Tyler tells us about how his long running Podcast started with Anderson (Beauty) Cowan and Michael (Keith) Carano, how TyTy went from pool guy to KROCK to winning an EMMY, and going from high school through adulthood and into parenthood with the same Partner in Crime, Lauren (Lorenzo).

Tyler, unintentionally, has plenty of great EX Drinking Buddy stories, including; Machete Night (a crazy drunken recording night early in their podcast), how Tyler, Lauren, and their friends would party supervised, Tylers “tracking alcohol”/ drunk driving tactics, almost getting arrested with water balloons, blacking out and embarrassing himself at Laurens work, fights, and MORE!!


Follow Tyler on Twitter and Instagram and check out his Podcast “The After Disaster” Check out his buddy Curt Neill’s new movie HERE

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Brennan Tasseff